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Singapore inspired by Salvador Dalí!

How amazing it is to walk the streets of Singapore and see amazing art from one of the most relevant artists in Spanish history, Salvador Dalí !

Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dalí i Domènech, (11 May 1904 – 23 January 1989) was a Catalan (born in Figueres) surrealist artist renowned for his technical skill, precise craftsmanship and striking (sometimes bizarre) images in his work.

Dali's artistic style was surrealist as reflected in his many unique paintings such as the famous "The Persistence of Memory" - featuring melting clocks! Alongside these dream like images he produced many sculptures due to his enthusiasm of three-dimensional Surrealist Objects which proliferated in the early 1930s. Dali took a strong interest in science and mathematics that was often reflected in his work. This takes us to the "Homage to Newton" sculpture that we can find in Raffles Place.

Dalí honored Newton for his discovery of the law of gravity, symbolised by the famous falling apple. He represented the apple with a sphere of metal suspended from a line, thus losing its impermanence as well as its capacity for regeneration.

"Un verdadero artista no es el que se inspira, sino el que inspira a otros" - Salvador Dali

"A true artist is not the one who gets inspired, but the one who inspires others."

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